Before we get started on this session, we need for you to understand the need for a certain degree of privacy and integrity when you are reading notes.  You need to eliminate sources of interruption so you can give full attention to this note, for instance, before you go on to the next note.


A group of real readers who are going through an esoteric development through their readings here (or other activities) will not appear to the world around them as an esoteric grouping.  As for those who put on airs about themselves, neither this note nor any similar teaching will awaken them from their life-wasting delusions.


If a real teacher tells real students to read notes or any other seemingly untraditional teaching, or if he asks them to engage in seemingly unspiritual activities, that is their right course.  This is in distinct contrast to those who cling to popular but useless teachers and organizations.  The real teacher and real students will carry out their work in a manner that is invisible to the popular teachers and organizations, just as the real readers of this note are invisible to the superficial readers and untouched by the superficial reactions and opinions about all this from the superficial readers.


Let us assume for a moment that you are a reader of this note session (and other sessions) because you are apparently concerned about the higher development of your consciousness, yet you remain confused and indecisive about where or with whom to carry out the development.  This confusion happens because you mistake mere information for real knowledge, as when you have read some books without practicing or realizing anything.  Do you want out of your trap?  Answer this sincerely before you read the next note.


The very way you are reading this note shows that you are taking one kind of indication to be another.  In addition to this, you are misjudging us and even others by drawing the wrong sort of map of spiritual activity on the planet – if you have even at least tried to draw such a map, which most seekers are too emotional and distracted to know they might need.  Do you know why your judgments are wrong?  It is generally because you are not clearly facing the real characteristics of your aspiration within yourself. Also, you often pretend to yourself and others that you are actively seeking a higher development where you have no such active search at all.  So, before you go on to the next teaching note, ask yourself what you truly want from all this.


Now this teaching note has to inform you that in your present state you are only a would-be student of the higher teachings. You like to believe that you are learning and developing because you have met some advanced personages, because you have read some special books or because you have tried to practice certain techniques.  All those apparent advantages you believe you have acquired have actually served mainly to build up barriers to real perception and action in yourself.  Though you may retain some higher potential, you cannot unfold it because you have the wrong attitude, the wrong basis in yourself.  You need to seriously review your life to date if you are to have any real hope at all for a right approach to higher contact and higher development.





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