This note is not just about the way you understand it or even whole note sessions.  It is also about the way you approach any teaching, teacher or evolutionary activity.  Before you go on to the next note, take a deeply penetrating glance into your approach and question its validity.  Will you now do this?  Or will you just keep plugging along with your usual nonsense?


Now that you have somehow managed to reach this note, why not face it fully that you do not know how to learn from someone who has superior knowledge and experience in the evolutionary field where you are trying to develop yourself?  So you want to believe that all the help you need is self-help.  Is this not so? You believe that if you read the right books you will know what to do and can make the necessary higher experiences unfold for you.  Try to question your assumptions about this matter before you go on to the next note.


This note is now asking you if you would allow a wise and highly developed teacher to show you how he or she actually teaches people and how they go about learning.  Would you do that or would you feel threatened in some way?  Try to answer this for yourself before going on to the next note.


This note is about your willingness to overcome the current societal propaganda that hypnotizes you endlessly with the falsehood that you can teach yourself independently in anything you know you need to learn.  Before you go on to the next note, make up your mind as to your willingness to wake-up and snap-out of your pseudo-independence.


This note is about where we stand about your desire to meet a “real teacher” and see if you could let yourself be taught.  We have no desire to meet you, teach you, guide you or help you personally in the physical world.  That is not our function.  We are providers.  We provide notes and other things.  We also provide the understanding that a personal teacher is indispensable, though we do not provide that actual service personally to those who have awakened to the need for a teacher.  So, the challenge for you is not to get personal attention and involvement from us, but for you to make the most of what you are provided with.  Do not go on to the next note unless you have understood our firm and necessary position toward you.


Your further learning and growth can now begin with this very note, which should be an important watershed for you.  You clearly require a deepening encounter with note-sessions on this website.  We are happy to keep providing you with all this for as long as you have need of it.  However, if you do not learn to read this and other notes with greater energy, with more passionate intensity and keen inquiry, it will not do much to alter your present destiny for the better.  Will you give rise to greater energy before you read the next note?


This note, yet again, requires that you take a fresh look at the way you go about learning from us and other teachers as well. Your present method of trying to benefit from our presence is almost completely useless.  Why bother to even read the next note if you cannot fully question your usual approach to all this? This entire session has been doing everything possible to increase your ability to learn, but you have to do something yourself too, you know.


Try to be more receptive in this final note of the session to the higher energies from above that rain down upon you from cosmic well-wishers.  You are not as isolated as you like to imagine. That help does not come to you in the form you want, demand or expect does not mean that help is not help.  Stay alert to helpful indications from beyond that are given to you.




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