This is the first note of this session and the next note will be the second, but before we go to the next note, you might want to see what has gone wrong with the new readers here.


This is of course the second note of this session and the next note will be the third, but before we go to the next note, you might want to see what is going wrong with our usual readers here.


Infinite non-dualistic consciousness seems to be the same as all-containing bright Voidness shining with clear light and unobstructed by anything whatsoever.  Buddhist inclined minds seem to cling to these kind of concepts, but non-Buddhists find them irrelevant or somehow ridiculous, absurd or incomprehensible.  As for our readers, most of them will just breeze through this note and get on to the next note.


Let’s assume that you do not want this particular note to give you an important awakening.


This useless sentence is easily forgotten.


This secretly threatening statement implies a lurking menace that can set the mind moving on a speculative anxiety.


This note is about your creative new approach to heavy sex.


This note is about what happens when notes get you spaced out of your mind.


This note is imploding into the end of it, which is a period.


The next note will explain everything to you if you will let it.


What is not going on somewhere?


Picture to yourself that you are on the verge of a radically different state of mind, but that you feel mysteriously blocked from entering it.


Picture your mind getting sucked-up into a cosmic vortex and then being ejected forcibly back into your body with no memory whatsoever of the seventeen hours it spent in the vortex.  Then go on to erase this note completely from your memory.


Do not forget to keep forgetting that vortex.  Now, just get on with the next note and disregard those seventeen hours of missing time.


Do you ever find yourself wondering about what might happen to your mind now and then?


What is your view on Earthbound people who are so stupidly normal that they want some alternative explanation to straightforward extraterrestrial humanoids from other physical planets that orbit other stars in the Galaxy?  Think of your most clear view on this before you do your thing with the next note.


Go ahead and do your thing.




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