Since this statement is all you’ve got right now, you better make the most of it before you go on to the next statement.


If you can find better notes than these somewhere, what would be the point of hanging around here all the time?  Why then hold back on giving your fullest attention and deepest receptivity to this very note?


The greater readers are chosen to read this note; the lesser readers choose to read this note.


The greater readers are brought to an understanding of all this; the lesser readers bring their understanding to all this.


The greater readers are invited into learning in this way; the lesser readers insist on their way of “learning”.


Do you feel “challenged” by this particular note where other more advanced readers feel amazed?


This is a very special kind of note for a very special kind of reader.  But the mediocre reader just wishes to be “special”.


Be careful what kind of note you wish for or it might have to be this one.


What if this unique “note session” were starting to develop into something else?  Could you handle it?


Do you like stimulating words?  Do you regard this particular note to be up-to-speed?


Are you in some kind of hurry to get to the next note?


You better learn how to make the most of each and every note or one day you will just wake-up dead.  For instance, what could you do with this note that you would not normally do with a note?


Take this opportunity to go further into the Unknown or it will soon be just another forgotten note.


Over and over again you are forgetting that you need to experience something before you read the next note.


Accelerate the fulfilment of your being alive by connecting your possible sexual excitement to the way you try to understand things like this note, Vajrayana Buddhism and Alien Contact.


How mysterious and provocative is it for you that your life on Earth could end for you sooner than you think?


How weird and baffling is it for you that this note could end sooner than you think?


How would you feel if something were to go wrong and you will never get the chance to read the next note session?





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