New readers of this should go to session one and start from the beginning.  Preparation is absolutely necessary to get the benefit of something extremely advanced.  If you do not believe this and just read this session out of proud curiosity, you are truly cursed and will suffer unexpected set-backs and difficulties in your personal life.  There is nothing to be gained from being a silly asshole.  Be warned.  Of course, you might still have a slight protection for yourself if you push on ahead in a shallow and aggressive manner.  The protection will be that you will find the whole thing boring, too weird, too impractical or too supra-rational to keep your interest, in which case you will go away before you get hurt.


All infinite and eternal deities live in superinfinity and supereternity as servants at the holy feet of their supracosmic superdiety Parameshwar.  Your pathetic respect and devotion are nothing more than rabbit turds in the eyes of Real People.  It is no wonder your self-development is so stagnant.


Root any residual sceptical materialism out of your consciousness or after death you will suffer more of a hell and terrible gnawing emptiness than you believe. Ask advice of your death and sort yourself out.  Do not go on to the next note without a real spiritual awakening.  Stop drifting toward death in a crude, worldly attitude of false wisdom.  Develop passionate intensity for real spiritual truth beyond all outer religions and philosophies.  Wake up some real Spirit Fire in your being.


My path is more tantric than Osho Rajneesh and more vedantic than Sivananda of Rishikesh.  I am Shiva, Shivo’ham.  Wake up to it or piss off!  I have no patience with ignorant, proud pseudo-independent biological robots who imagine they are in danger of following a “Guru”.  Such readers should read Daniel Dennet, Jilleamudi Amma, Georges Gurdjieff and Sri Anirvan.  Their “free choice” and “free independent thinking” are just shit on the ground.


“Guru” is an insult word in the West and a silly farce in the East.  One is too superficially disbelieving and the other too gullibly believing.  Real teaching and real learning follow some unknown principles that all would-be “teachers” and would-be “students” need to learn.  Until the right principles are learned, all so-called “spirituality”, “occultism”, “shamanism” and so on are just sociological behaviour of empty, foolish and pretentious people and their sociological critics.  If you can understand a balanced attitude, go on to the next note.


I have no situation to drag you into.  I have no community of assholes for you to join. I offer you no escape from the work and study you have to do. Your surrounding life is my school where you must learn to be more passionately intense and real.  Awaken telepathic communion.  Learn how to learn.  Enough of “healers” and emotional “psychics”!





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