The new reader should either start with session one or read this suggestion forever with absolute concentration.


The great mystic, Sarmad, was executed as an un-Islamic heretic in Delhi in the year 1659 A.D.  One of his rubaiyats reads:

All writing is useless,
Useless is all interpretation,
All words and sentences are useless,
Unless the Spirit is ready to hear.

So take note of where you read and listen in yourself before you go on to the next note.  What can you hear in subtle cognition?


Sarmad also wrote:

I approached all and questioned them.
And I unravelled the knots of the world.
Alas! I struggled in vain;
I found no one of truth,
Nor discovered anyone just.


Do you dare to look at the actual mental mode you are in when you form your impression of Sarmad?  Are you ready to take a leap?


Take a creative pause before you read the next note.  Take a leap.  Think the unthinkable.  Do not be a distracted leaf rushing down the gutter of the world.  Develop an original intuitive perception of what all this is really about.  No one can substitute for you in the growth of your inner awareness.


Someday you will most probably die and lose your physical body.  Why don’t you ask your Death for advice on how to handle your reading and consciousness of these note-sessions before you read the next note?  Do you think you have forever to get the real benefit of all this?


Rare is the reader who reads with the eyes and ears of the Spirit. All others are mere scum floating on the pond of their social world.


I am writing this in the cosmic kundalini fire.  Are you reading this in that fire?  Dead readers can only connect with dead writings.


Whatever you read with passionate intensity is alone worthy of your Spirit.  Are you now taking a full leap into passionate intensity?  Does your surrounding world now look like perhaps waves of invisible fire, heat and light?  Perhaps you failed to read Zorba the Greek.  Do not go on to the next note without fire, without passionate intensity.


The most holy and radiant secret cave of Lord Pan can be found near Argos in Greece .  It is disguised as a beautiful orthodox church.  Passionate intensity is drawn to places that feed it.  Do you seek ways to feed your passionate intensity?  Do you know how to light The Fire From Within that Juan Matus spoke of to Carlos Castaneda?


Listen to me: This very statement is also a form of energy resonating with an energy in yourself or it is useless for anything real.  Understand this with awakening life in your personal system or there is no point in reading the next note.


Look, child, we have to pick up the pace in all this.  You are too stuck in low-level energy and left-brain rigid pseudo-thinking. You lack Kundalini and Creativity!







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