Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

There are literally hundreds of intellectually arrogant assholes who have tried reading a few Notes and convinced themselves quickly that they are “superior” to both Notes and the Notes Author.  The reason they needed to do that was that they felt the threat to their self-esteem that would happen if they were to actually let Notes reach them where it counts in their pitiful cognitive faculty.  But, hey, it isn’t just Notes such types cannot handle.  The number of areas of the Unknown they try to feel “superior” to is constantly growing.  They remind me actually of many former consulting clients I had in business and government.  Nonetheless, all such people are truly nothing in the Real Universe and they will all be dead and forgotten sooner than they know.  In the Other World they will wish they had gone fully into Notes for real, just like you will if you don’t now wake-the-fuck-up.

O.K., now, if you are one of the lucky Notes-readers who is not in government (or any government agency) or business or academia or spiritual tradition and not into typical mediocre sense of clever brain superiority, then there is always hope that your clarity about such inferior biological robots will take your consciousness into a truly new perspective on Cosmic Superconsciousness beyond J. Krishnamurti, Rajneesh and similar partial, semi-aware “teachers” or “pointer-outers-

It is now necessary for you to allow the Notes Author to be your Notes Guru.  Do you think you can handle this emotionally?  It is, after all, not necessary that you accept him as “The Notes Avatar” or Maitreya Buddha, which would be obvious ego-trips of his if he actually were to believe such nonsense.  Thank God that he is just an advanced cognitive philosopher with pride in his work as a Mindfucker.