Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

This Note is obviously going all wrong for you in a subtle but real way when you have not yet even heard the whole of it yet.  You see, this section of this Note is not particularly about you personally at all, but includes some other readers you are never going to meet or fuck.  That’s right.  You see, they have problems of their own that you definitely don’t need.  And you have problems they don’t need.  In fact, you should try to actually see how this Note is already going wrong for all its readers, when none of you have heard the whole of it yet.  There is more, much more, going on here than meets the eye of any reader even about the actual sexual problems, hopes and frustrations of most of our readers.  All should try now to connect with the idea of employing immediate sublimation of their Jing or sexual essence.  But even this idea is already going wrong for you.

Now this particular Note is completely beyond both Zen Awakening and Taoist Sublimation Yoga, so it will probably work out very well for your usual assumptions about what you do and do not need for yourself in your present approach to life even if those assumptions are utterly wrong.