Take Note of Something Different
Year Four

Before you go on to the next Note, make sure that you truly isolate in your mind what is for you personally the most significant area of the Unknown.

There are unknown ideas, unknown information and unknown experiences.  Which kind of unknown of those three kinds attracts you the most and why?  Try to understand what is really at stake for you about this before the next Note.

There are unknown Aliens from unknown places in the Universe on their way to the Earth at this very moment.  Try to discover how you really feel about this before you read the next Note.

If this Note could cause you to have a truly new kind of feeling, what would it be like?

Stay alert!  Something is getting ready to happen that will make you forget this Note sooner than you thought you would.

Is there any kind of crisis developing in a hidden way about your possible new awakening through Notes?

What is it this particular Note Session could have done for you that you stupidly prevented from happening?  You really shouldn’t leave here until you have fully answered this question for yourself.  The God of Notes obviously knows what you are really like in all this.