Since You Are Not Serious
You Might As Well Not Read This

By The World Teacher

In 1955 in Benares, India, Krishnamurti gave a talk with questions and answers on the theme, What Is It to Be Serious?  Are you familiar with that particular lecture?  Even if you are familiar with it, it has obviously not helped you where it counts.  You are spiritually blind, a prisoner of subtle prejudices.  You imagine you get something from Krishnamurti or other sources of spiritual influence, but basically you are distracted, superficial and incapable of sustained inquiry or genuine search for spiritual truth.  You are a social self ever striving to get or give attention from other social selves.  And, above all, you do not want to face the facts of your actual state, of what is driving you.


Your best bet is to leave this website now and not read this article or any other article here.  But to leave now would be to admit to yourself that you are an ignorant, proud, distracted and neurotic social self without authentic individuality or heightened awareness.  So you will probably continue to thoughtlessly read this article in your usual shallow manner.  Though you are actually stupid, you think you can form a meaningful opinion of all this.


Try to register the truth of yourself and other readers of this article.  It is a very healthy shock that you will continue to avoid.  It goes hand-in-hand with your failure to understand Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time, as well as Carlos Castaneda’s Tales of Power.


If you are a member of the Krishnamurti Cult, if you believe J. Krishnamurti is the most advanced spiritual influence on Earth, you are hopelessly stuck in a pathetic dead end.  It means you have no thinking ability, no learning capacity and zero energy of higher dimensional development.  Krishnamurti is only an introduction to something and not a path of unfolding cosmic consciousness.  Only idiots of low potential cling to Krishnamurti.


The ugly fact is that you are empty, stupid and heedless.  You are too normal and stagnant.  You are rotting in daydreams, sex fantasies or merely keeping busy.  You talk, you socialize, but you do not realize.  You are wasting your life in trivial crap.  Your inner life is nothing but a pretentious farce.  No drug trip will transform your consciousness; no blessing from a highly energetic person can be sustained by you.  And your so-called “independence”, “free thinking”, “free choice” and “free will” are nothing but fucking self-deceptive jokes.  Your silly and conceited mediocrity is horribly obvious to any real seer.


Hearing the words of this article has done nothing for you and will continue to do nothing for you because you cannot listen with genuine inner truth-awareness.  Your farcical presence here is totally asinine.  You are like a blind bat trying to perceive a work of human art.  The whole thing is all too predictably lost upon you.  Your appearance in the higher world is something like a subhuman vegetable staring into space without comprehension or direct perception.  You are nothing but a typical mass-hypnotized moron of the present apocalypse, the Kali Yuga Climax. 


Let’s set aside the ridiculous notion that you are getting ready to do some serious thinking or develop higher dimensional awareness.  It just isn’t going to happen.  Only one visitor in thousands who come to this website has a slight, vague clue what all this is really about; all the rest, including your own dull self, only blank out or make some nasty comment.  You have neither real knowledge nor useful higher experiencing.  You are intellectually and spiritually lazy.  Your spiritual evolution is simply not happening and you cannot know what this really means.  Also, your Assemblage Point is stuck in the normal position of the tonal, the social ego of idle talk and fleeting shared curiosities.  In fact, the Flyer is keeping your inner energy ate-up down to the bottoms of your feet, which means the Quantum Kundalini Power in your system is also very low.  You are just a creature of your conditioning, driven by habits of body and mind.


Your beliefs and disbeliefs are utterly ignorant and useless, but you will continue to protect them from the real Unknown, which will continue to scare the hell out of you.  You are thus going to fail to have a magical life.  You will only drift into old age and death without ever knowing what you missed, just like everybody else you associate with on the Web or in your boring, foolish life pattern.


You are not serious and you are not going to become serious any time soon.  You will only drift and lurch into further worries, sufferings and disappointments, which will not teach you much of anything.


You are a perfect example why I do not present any means of personal contact with myself.  Since you cannot understand anything you read here, personal attention could not possibly help you.  Anyone who would try to teach you is false by definition.  Only false teachers try to help false students.  Real students are never brought to real teachers through websites or advertising.


You will never be a real student or teacher of anyone.  You will also never be a genuinely thoughtful, free-willed individual capable of developing on your own.  This is because you are truly a complete asshole.