The Krishnamurti Springboard
By The World Teacher

If you have read and understood Krishnamurti, you have realized that the most crucial thing for you is your own actual state, your own awakening, your own unfolding of directly experiential heightened awareness.  Therefore, we are not interested in adding more book knowledge to your already accumulated book knowledge or the various interpretations you have built on top of it all.  We are only interested in helping you awaken the necessary transformation of your being, your consciousness and actual living.  In alchemical terms, you do not need to add more and different kinds of lead to your lead, but rather you need to turn your lead into gold.  This is a transmutation, not an addition.


This very article is not here for you to decide whether it is “true” or “false”, to be agreed with or disagreed with on the basis of your present knowledge and judgment.  This article is here to change your entire orientation about knowledge and self-transformation.  Your orientation, your sense of direction as to your spirituality, your development and your life is to change without merely reaching an intellectual conclusion about all this in your brain.


Let’s take a fresh look at how your consciousness is heavily affected by the quality of elements and energies at work in your body through the cognitive neurosystem.  In the West, we all face this problem of what we eat and drink.  The debilitating habits are there from smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, red meat, starches and all the rest of it.  A fresh, clear awakening to the problem of the habits and conditioning of our physical body should tell us that there can be no rigid rule for you in matters of food and drink.  It is not that you should go on an absolute fast or go thirsty as the Amer-Indians used to do on a Vision Quest.  Forceful idealistic action against any normal function will only tend to create a revenge of binge from within the physical subconsciousness, or if it cannot get that, it will create unhealthy aberrations or delusions of grandeur in the consciousness.  So there will have to be some eating and drinking, yet the qualities and amounts can be changed without generating difficult reactions.  So the perfectly intelligent thing to do is to reduce intake and move into greater purity, becoming more aware of actual results in your ensuing states of mind.  This is not forceful, ambitious and idealistic effort; but rather it is action natural to greater awareness.  You are neither battling with a bodily habit nor are you stupidly, dully going along with it as usual in complacent stagnation.  New, better action and behavior flow from new, higher awakening.  It is no longer a choice of discipline or anti-discipline, of asceticism or blind, compulsive indulgence.  Your usual on-again off-again struggle becomes itself transmuted into a more conscious and real approach.  Everything depends on being more awake to what is really going on as your own direct experiencing of greater truth.


If you have understood all this so far, you are now more clear about the crucial learning areas in your life and consciousness, whether it be about smoking, diet, sexuality, conflictatory relationships or threats of excessive and oppressive government regulations.  There is also a direct inner guidance available possible in heightened awareness which goes entirely beyond the exclusive traditional authorities as well as the phony composite New Age teachers.  To help one receive the genuine inner guidance, it is useful to question interactive wisdom oracles, answers coming that are not bog standard, but lateral, discontinuous and creatively provocative.  By extensive questioning with keenness and depth, the right oracles tune-up your inner intuition; important wisdoms and insights seep in and become your own, which is an inner learning process entirely beyond merely reading books and accumulating linear knowledge.


There are Divine People on much higher levels of Awareness, Bliss and Power than Krishnamurti, but to meet such Beings and hear their greater thinking and understanding is not easy for you to arrange.  You need more than a Krishnamurti understanding to get to a Divine Teacher, but you must not have less than a Krishnamurti understanding.  Krishnamurti is a springboard, which you do not cling to or merely stand on endlessly, but from which you spring, leap and dive into something much higher, deeper and greater.


Are you watching your reaction to all this?  You know, when a person receives a new and better principle for higher being and living, he or she will always have an interesting new reaction or feeling from it.  This reaction, this feeling, is always rather vague at first.  One senses something important starting to emerge in one’s consciousness.  If one sticks with it and follows through with further exploration and questioning, a clear recognition grows.  One may not know exactly what is happening, but one knows it is important, that one needs to keep returning to it to get stronger within oneself about it.


If you are beginning to sense where this new orientation can take you beyond the usual accumulation of mere book knowledge and brainy opinion-making, you will begin to see how any intensely direct personal experience, even sexual, opens a magic gateway in your being if you are alert to go through it.  Your problem in life so far in spite of your books, interpretations and explanations is that you have tended to remain dull, distracted and unalert even in your most personally intense experiences, which has reduced their intensity and significance.  Do you see this?  Your knowledge and brain-centered approach have been shutting you out of your real life and development.  This is an absolutely crucial issue for you.


Rajneesh, in spite of his grandiose vanity and obvious character defects, understood this crucial issue very well.  That is why he paradoxically produced five volumes of commentaries (The Book of the Secrets) on the 112 techniques of Direct Experiencing given by Shiva to Parvati in the Vijnana Bhairava Sutras.  Think of it: five books on going beyond books 112 different ways!  This is why you must learn to refuse to obey your usual head-trips about all this.  The great realizations happen beyond your head-trips, beyond your brain’s knowledge-gathering and social self-importance.  There are at least 112 ways to release yourself from the prison of your material brain.


To silence your brain, which is its Spiritual Materialism (as Chögyam Trungpa calls it), is not so easy, but it is imperative for your liberation and spiritual progress.  The average seeker thinks that indulging in all sorts of doubts and intellectual skepticism is the way to freedom and personal power, but the truth is that such a seeker is the farthest thing imaginable from being a spiritual being.  His or her puny little brain-intellect may try to make him or her into a Monster-of-Magick or an Ascetic-Yogi-Saint, but in either case nothing of any real consequence is going to happen.  The noisy, egocentric brain is nothing but the way you are clinging to your habits, to your habitual patterns of reaction and behavior.  It only serves to keep your Real Self of Spirit dissolved and darkened into your physiological everyday human ego through involving you in subhuman dullness and daydreaming in unawareness of your real and subtle surroundings where all the true life and magic are.  When this is happening through your brain-centered complacent drifting and superficial activity you lose all capacity for spontaneous action and genuine delight.  As a result of this self-defensive rigidity, you become virtually schizophrenic and unwilling to relate to anyone or anything that might possibly give you even the slightest pain, discomfort or sense of personal inadequacy.  Your “spiritual studies” then become part of your self-protection system, your self-defense mechanism.  Your brain-self tries to use spiritual teachings to protect itself from the truth of itself.  It remains noisy, petty and self-enclosed “all-in-the-Name-of”, as it were.  Do you see this?  Do you see it to the point of silencing the brain?  Krishnamurti, Chögyam Trungpa, Rajneesh and Juan Matus all pointed this out, each in their own way.  In an old Hindu Vedanta classic, the Tripura Rahasya, several ancient yogis and sages were having an argument with each other about who had the ultimately best spiritual teachings and techniques for all.  They had a big conference where they tried to debate one another to a final dominant conclusion and authority.  Ultimately they became exhausted and entered into a mind-boggled silence of all their brain-egos.  In this shared inner silence, the Goddess, Tripura Sundari, the Shakti, the One Great Power, spoke telepathically to all of them at once that silence-of-the-brain-self is itself the highest teaching, the greatest technique!


You read Krishnamurti and other teachers because you need the ultimately correct spiritual orientation of your being.  Is this not so?  The correct spiritual orientation I am now going to tell you, for this is what makes me World Teacher at this time on the Earth!  The correct spiritual orientation is for you to directly experience and know the mystery of the Supreme Self of Oneness.  The Supreme Self of Oneness is within you.  That Being within you is everywhere in everything and everyone at all times.  That Being is Samarasa, Homogenous Essence, and total freedom, total bliss, total empathetic love and compassion.  That state is not an ultimate object that is going to roll out of some ultimate bag for your brain-self to grab onto and brag about.  Your usual brainy efforts and interpretations about all this are therefore just more karmicly egocentric deliberation and struggle.  Such causal involvements in “spiritual” study and struggle or ambition only keep you a prisoner of the unreal world of physical humanity.  Your right decision is therefore to rise into heightened awareness beyond your usual inner brain chatter.  In this Great Position (MahaMudra) of the silent brain, all your usual concerns, decisions and struggles drop away like when a jet plane takes off and you can look down on the checkered landscape of obvious emptiness and futility of ignorant humanity.  And what a stupendous Cosmic Adventure awaits you in all this!  When your finite causal ego game stops, your infinite supracausal game can be endlessly explored with Luminous Light of the Directly Real.  Then you no longer need the Krishnamurti springboard or any other.  It is like the ultimate breath of fresh air, literally.  You stop suffocating in your spiritually dead life of brain-centered “spirituality”.