The Truth Beyond Truth
By The World Teacher

The truth is the truth of something or about something.  If the something is important for us, then the truth of it is also important.  Truth does not become urgent or significant in an existential vacuum.


If reading Krishnamurti or listening to one of his lectures has had for you an important affect on your consciousness, then the truth of that affect, that kind of personal state of mind, is also important.  Where Krishnamurti’s consciousness had actually got to, what his particular level of evolution had reached, is therefore also important.  If, for instance, a Theravada Buddhist, a monk, had spent a lifetime in meditation and then took birth as Henry David Thoreau, an American naturalist who wrote contemplative essays on observing nature, and then took birth as Jiddu Krishnamurti and continued to develop meditative observations about natural beauty outdoors, coupled with meditative observations of a wide spectrum of human problems and challenges, then where that kind of reincarnating progressive development and influencing fits into the greater pattern of other meditations, Yogis and Siddhas, developing superpeople, and their writings, teachings and influences, is not without significance.  It is not just Krishnamurti who can have a potentially important affect on our consciousness.  Many people have been deeply affected by the books of Carlos Castaneda.  The Mexican Seer/Sorcerer, Juan Matus, would slap Castaneda hard on the back and it would shift Castaneda’s consciousness into a state of heightened awareness.  People found a shift in consciousness to higher states of mind so urgently important for them that they would pay fees to Swami Muktananda to have him give “Shaktipat Intensives” to them where Muktananda’s developed Siddhayoga Energy (Shakti) would be injected into their own personal energy field as a boosting effect.  The Sufis, in turn, have made extensive investigations of what these transfers of personal higher energy or induction of “states” can and cannot do for people, and how they fit into the overall pattern of human development.  But Krishnamurti adherents, just as Castaneda adherents and Muktananda adherents, do not seem to want to understand the truth of what is really going on when we get a boost or uplift from a particular source.


An old adherent or follower/clinger of Krishnamurti once came to him with this very problem of “booster dependency”.  He explained to K that he would always get into a higher state when attending one of K’s lectures, but that when he would go home, he would come back down to his ordinary, dull and mediocre state of everyday consciousness.  He wanted K to tell him how to stay in heightened awareness all the time and not just have it at K’s lectures.  K told him that he had not really been listening fully and truly to K over the years or there would be no such problem.  What K did not see is that such an answer was really part of the problem.  The problem was trying to also be the solution.  K’s self-serving response was not really helping.  If K were not so dogmatic about his being the-authority-to-end-all-authorities, and if he had been through a real course of spiritual self-education, he could have said to the man, “Read all the works of Idries Shah and the Sufi perspective on human development, then come back to me and we will discuss this important problem more deeply and extensively.”


Krishnamurti is useful to us to keep us from getting trapped in an exclusive commitment to the Naqshbandi Sufi Order of Idries Shah, but he is useless in understanding energy or influence transmissions from greater developed people to lesser developed people, which Naqshbandi Sufis do understand somewhat better.  Of course no one ever got Krishnamurti and Idries Shah together in the same place for an all-out exploration of mutually significant issues of human development.  Both went to their death demanding exclusive concentration on themselves as ultimate spiritual authorities.  In fact, each of them had indispensable and irreplaceable insights for us on higher human attainments.  Each was a Truth-Beyond-Truth for the other!


The half-developed Siddhayogi, such as Muktananda, has greater personal energy than you do, but he, being an Indian, will tend to be an exploiting whore with what he has.  He wants your “donation” and wants to make you dependent on him to expand his organization.  Many fell into that trap with Muktananda.


The half-developed Sufi, such as Idries Shah, has greater understanding of the interface of developed people with undeveloped people, but he too wants your exclusive commitment and identification with the Sufi Way even where that particular way is not appropriate to non-Muslims and also lacks certain insights and energies we may find in some advanced forms outside of Sufism.


Krishnamurti knows that a Siddhayogi or a Sufi will try to constrict your consciousness and your personal life-energy into an exploitable adherence, so he wants you to reject, whatever they could contribute to your higher development, as a Krishnamurti induced prejudice.  As an authority-to-end-all-authorities, he becomes himself a stagnating trap.  With Krishnamurti, you can get a little heightened awareness, but of course you must not want it, because “it must come of itself without seeking it”.  But why would you read Krishnamurti books or attend his lectures if you were not seeking an improvement of your consciousness?  Just to pass the time with unusual ideas as an intellectual entertainment?


The truth is that if you are serious about the higher evolution of your consciousness, you are going to need to learn from more than one source in a coordinated pattern and in the right sequence of both intellectual impacts and energy-boosting contacts.  The entire enterprise will require the overcoming of hidden prejudices and an opening up or self-exposure to superior sources of energy without forming an emotional dependency on an incomplete source.  The Truth-Beyond-Truth for you in all this will be something like a Universal Sufi Way beyond the limitations of Islamic conditioning.  This Universal Sufi Way is Truth-Beyond-Sufism.  This approach was what was originally taught by advanced people of the Sarmoun Brotherhood in Central Asia, which is nowadays hardly more than a disintegrating fragment of Cosmic Personal Evolution on Earth.  The Agni Yoga of Nicholas Roerich tries to valiantly and single-handedly compensate for the disintegration, but his own incompleteness and bravado doomed the effort.  Yet, if you have not read Agni Yoga, you are missing something.


Krishnamurti is in some ways merely a useful contribution to Post-modern Philosophy of Deconstruction (of belief-systems).  But there is indeed always a Greater-Truth-Beyond-Truth, which is The Learning Process.  So there is a Metaphysics beyond Post-modern materialistic denial of Metaphysics, just as there is a Zen-like Enlightenment beyond Krishnamurti and a Nagual Heightened Awareness beyond mild, self-induced heightened awareness from walking around outdoors and meditating as a Krishnamurti apprentice.  It is wonderful to meditate endlessly outdoors in solitary meditation, which I have myself done for years (along with a lot of other things), but it is not the whole of what a developing human being needs.


What we need from Krishnamurti has nothing whatsoever to do with clinging dogmatically to Krishnamurti.  Krishnamurti Meditation (which the old Buddhist Siddha, Tilopa, called Mahamudra, the Great Attitude) is not the whole of what we need for the higher development of our consciousness, but without being able to enter fully into it, we will remain stuck in physically tense and mentally neurotic patterns of outer and inner behavior.  It is therefore indispensable to read and realize what Krishnamurti, Tilopa and even Osho Rajneesh have to say about meditative states of self-induced Greater Awareness.  If you add to this the books of Wei Wu Wei (Terrence Gray), you will be amply rewarded.


Conscious striving and realization on any level of human development has a natural limitation that cannot encompass That which is beyond consciousness itself.  To go beyond consciousness and all its strivings and developments implies a stillness of consciousness, a stillness of spiritual ambitions and efforts.  The periods of stillness that arise from deeply and extensively understanding this great spiritual issue are what we can indeed call States of Heightened Awareness.  A sudden awakening to all this is the essence of Zen Enlightenment.  Superconscious Nondual Awareness is beyond phenomenological dualistic consciousness of a phenomenological causal ego-subject looking across space at a seemingly objective landscape, situation or indoor room.  We need this breakthrough into Heightened Awareness and we need to be able to sustain it for longer periods with less and less dependency on the advanced person who gives us a boosting energization for it.


Self-boosting of one’s energy can be actually done through sometimes repeating the right Mantra with breathing up the back of the spine and down the front.  The Taoist Yogis do this.  The Mahayogi, Lahiri Mahasay, calls it Kriya Yoga.  He therefore called the possible ensuing state of Heightened Awareness or Samadhi, the “After-Effect-Poise-From-Kriya.”  Of course, Krishnamurti abhors such self-boosting Kundalini Yoga and prefers a more intellectual approach focused on listening to him lecture.  Muktananda also did not promote Kriya Yoga, though his Guru, Nityananda, taught it to some of his disciples, but apparently not to Muktananda.  Some Sufi Teachers have encouraged the use of a kind of Kriya Kundalini Yoga utilizing Islamic Zikrs (mantras).  In the Tibetan Yoga approach, one learns to go back and forth between the Tummo Breathing Yoga and Mahamudra.  So, the horrible truth is that self-boosting inevitably requires Mantra and Pranayama, hopefully in Universal Cosmic Language (AUI, the Language of Space) rather than in secondary imitation of a foreign “Holy Language”.


The Truth-of-Self-Boosting beyond your usual accepted truth-of-self-boosting is going to become increasingly urgent and necessary for your development.  Krishnamurti cannot do that for you.  Nor can Osho Rajneesh or Swami Muktananda.  The Zen Masters from Japan don’t get it either.  The Sufis get it somewhat, but they want you to become dangerously Islamic, which is insane in the contemporary West.  The Tibetans also get it quite well, but they want you to become a Tibetan Buddhist with its own choking peculiarities.  Hindu Kriya Yogis also understand it well-enough for Hindus, but they do not understand Cosmic Mantras on the one hand or direct Zen Enlightenment or Krishnamurti on the other hand.  They cling to their conditioning and are desperate for your “donation”.


Developmental Truth-Beyond-Truth is far more serious than mere cognitive philosophy carrying on in the reflected intellect in the human forebrain.  The aim of all this is not merely to be well-read in spiritual traditions or to brilliantly discuss such things from your brain when socializing on the Web with anyone you can superficially impress.  Are you therefore becoming more serious about all this?  Are you becoming more self-awakened to your missing initiatives in some important zones of indispensable study and direct personal experiencing?


Whether or not you have “tweaked it” that I am indeed The World Teacher is not particularly important for you at this time, but it is utterly urgent and necessary that you deeply understand the right teachings from a variety of sources in the World and even from extraterrestrial sources beyond the World.  You are going to need something like My Perspective and Initiative even if you hate the idea of needing Me to go ahead and be World Teacher.  The Truth Beyond Truth will thus remain the Natural Authority wherever and whenever you are open to it.  The real meaning, after all, of “The World Teacher” should be “One Who Incarnates the Cosmic Learning Process.”  Krishnamurti did not do this; nor did Idries Shah, Chögyam Trungpa or others.  Carlos Castaneda certainly didn’t do it, for he was too busy fucking Amy Wallace and watching war movies.  Ultimately, the Twentieth Century will go down in the evolutionary history of Earth as a time of great fragmentary summaries of traditions and perspectives.  The spiritually lazy will of course endlessly socialize on the Web in a superficial, distracted way about all this.  And incomplete, prejudiced “teachers” will always be competing for market share of gullible experimenters and emotional belongers.  The better looking “masters” will get lots of fucking and make more money than the less attractive.  Spiritual aspiration within humanity will tend to remain a mating ritual and a search for meaningful Community Belonging where no one will agree to wash the dishes.  Cults will continue to proliferate like minnows swimming in the mouth of a Great White Shark, the evil and all-oppressive New World Order, which Alice Bailey rightly called The Black Lodge of dark forces and political leaders who work actively against spiritual evolution of humanity.


Trying to fulfill one’s Spiritual Quest during a time of Apocalypse on the planet is both extremely opportune and agonizingly difficult.  More are called and fewer chosen than in the entire history of mankind.  There have never been so many incredible spiritual resources available or so few who can make real use of spiritual resources.  There has never been so much of Greater Truth or so few who can fully awaken and enter into full-blown learning.  There has never been such massive release of multiple sources of Great Knowledge or so few who have the inclination, time and ability to gather it all up and realize a coordinated essence of it all.  The harvest is great and too few the harvesters.


The whole pattern of Greater Spiritual Truth and Effective Energy Boosting on the planet Earth is both more intense and more hidden than ever.  Fragmentary and prejudiced mentalities clutch at straws and avoid the Big Picture, the Grand Design.  The result on the Internet is White Noise, entropy, which is an inability to process valuable information.  Spiritual Evolution on Earth is a systemic failure that parallels misgovernance, economic failure and degeneration of the global ecosystem.  Can you learn to look at the whole pattern with real detail and not just as a vague impression?  Can you see the enormity of both the opportunity and the problem?


The random reading patterns and personal spiritual experiments or attempted meditations of the vast majority of so-called “seekers” are for the most part nothing but an increasingly more numerous joke, an ever uniquely repeated spiritual, intellectual and physical failure.  So, can you look at all that without getting involved in your own neurotic pattern of assumptions and fragmentary readings of self-defeating efforts?  A mature approach to all this is not possible as long as you can believe in a typically immature approach of the Time.  A petty, self-defensive, pseudo-independent little mind is not going to go to spiritual heights just because it buys a few spiritual books from or tries to sit in “meditation” on a regular basis.  Nor will it get anywhere through Rajneesh Tantric Sex Orgies or Krishnamurti’s Going-Beyond-All-Traditions-and-Efforts.  Nor will it truly develop Divine Superconsciousness through obeying a Naqshbandi Sufi of one of their new desperate “centers” in the West or the East.  Being whacked repeatedly with a stick, sitting with aching legs in a Zendo, will not do it either.  And if you get personally involved in Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity Cult, you are worse than stupid.  No form of popular spiritual involvement is fully and truly spiritual.


It will require Heightened Awareness to find the Way to the Way-of-Ways that is cosmically necessary for you with your conditioning.  If your interest and involvement in Krishnamurti is helping you in all this, then keep it up!  But do not let Krishnamurti become your imaginary ultimate spiritual hero nor your spiritual dead-end or cul-de-sac in the huge and complex maze of attempted human evolution.  He can liberate you from some things, but he can also deprive you of yet other things that you need.  This is an important Truth Beyond Krishnamurti’s Truth.