Being Inside Shambhala
by Rudra Chakrin

We have heard people much like yourself say, ”I don’t know if all this Shambhala stuff is real or not, but if it is and I could make a superhuman contact that would save me from my isolation, disappointments and problems, I would be all for it.  Nevertheless, I remain skeptical.  Shambhala is probably just a myth.”


Shambhala is real, though it has not yet been adequately or accurately described.  If you really hope to have a viable connection with Shambhala that can uplift your personal evolution as a human being in the Universe, you have to inwardly resonate with Shambhala rather than remaining a Western seeker who “investigates” it from the outside.  You must begin from inside, by being of Shambhala, rather than looking for it from outside as a frustrated, hopeful and skeptical seeker.  As long as you are centered in your brain as a believer, disbeliever or investigator, you are not centered in your heart as an intuitive knower.  Nothing real can happen for you about Shambhala with a brainy investigation approach.


Get into tune with Shambhala.  Get into touch with Us through seeing Shambhala as a self-organizing principle that unifies and coordinates all useful traditions and evolutionary teachings on the planet Earth as a secret cosmic network that operates behind the scenes of outwardly organized social and cultural occult groupings.  Try to see in fact where you are already on Our wavelength about all this.  You cannot find anyone or anything of value in life outwardly where you are not resonating inwardly.  Begin with the inward view or the outward view will defeat your purpose throughout your life.


Also try to understand that connection with something like Shambhala means that you must transcend the stupid norms of both ordinary materialistic society and the socially expansive pseudo-spiritual egos who have leading roles in the New Age movement.  Also you must go beyond fixation on any particular culture-bound spiritual tradition.  Shambhala is not, for instance a secret enclave of glorified Tibetan or Mongolian Buddhists, though such people have been and will remain an important element in the Shambhala whole, and even they must have unprejudiced universal appreciation, inclusion and holistic thinking.  If you are locked into a petty worldview or socially constructed model of Reality, then you have nothing to do with Us.


All throughout the world of contemporary occult and spiritual seekers and speculators, there are a wide variety of supposed versions of “the Truth” about Shambhala, about Our reality and about the kind of people We are or supposedly fail to be.  So why do you suppose you now find yourself reading this article?  It is because deep down inside you know that your own inner truth needs some fresh input about all this so that it can itself further grow, evolve and develop.  Increasingly you will come to realize that certain kinds of spiritual perspective are especially important for your evolutionary progress of your present way of life and your future possibilities.  It is virtually inevitable, therefore, that in time and in your own way, you will discover what you’re actually beginning to connect with here, including the deeper use of My oracle, the Wheel of Guidance.  So, all this is moving toward a critical threshold, and when it reaches it, you will not only get your mind blown about what is really going on, but you will find yourself directly experiencing some occult events in your life that can lead you into something wholly unexpected and rather promising.  Not everybody is destined to be left out of Shambhala due to being nasty skeptics or emotional believers.


If you find that you are already in a peculiar sort of conscious communion or even telepathy with Us inside your heart, then you are discovering that you are protected and nourished by a very advanced Divine Presence Who is somehow connected intimately with Myself.  It also means you are beginning to make real progress in necessary changes of your habits, your lifestyle and your usual old relationships.  It means, for instance, that you no longer care that your old friends and relatives think you have become abnormal.  Though you may feel some continuing affection for them, you are becoming inwardly strong and no longer need their love or respect.  You are learning to exhaust your worldly karmas and let go of people you easily drift away from.  You are learning to shift to a new perspective and a better life that will separate you increasingly from old attachments.  You will go about this in a natural and quiet, but relentless way, but without becoming cold-hearted and cruel.  All participants of Shambhala have had to make such shifts in their lives and habits.  Sometimes outstanding karmas are incredibly difficult and worrisome, but the inner strength emerges.  One learns to extract oneself from debilitating dull normalcy.  Like the Naguals of Mexico, one learns to be “Ruthless and Cunning, Patient and Sweet”, which is the “Art of Stalking”, which is to be a Shambhala Warrior-Traveler who walks on the Way of the Ways in the God-making School of the Universe, thus learning to be a Q (a Kyu in Cosmic Language) almost like in the Star Trek series of American science-fiction, but where it becomes totally real.


Notice carefully how James Redfield made Shambhala helpless before secular Chinese government, thus destroying Shambhala and having it go to seed as New Agers in America who follow his superficial teachings, thus pretending to be himself the leading figure of Shambhala after assigning himself a kind of mystical Peruvian leadership role.  Keep in mind that a destructible Shambhala subject to outer military interference from surface humanity cannot possibly be the real Shambhala.  Shambhala is connected with a cosmic military force both for protection of itself and for possible intervention on the Earth to get the Earth and its foolish humanity back on an evolutionary track.  But where Redfield’s vision is useful is that it points out that being inside Shambhala is more of an inner state of resonance than an outer situation on the geographical Earth.  Shambhala is mobile!  Shambhala has multiple locations and arrangements!  Think more seriously and extensively about this as a hypothesis.  You might learn something.