Year Three

What is really too much about this Note is barely visible to even our most intelligent and intuitive readers, yet one does not have to be a superhuman extraterrestrial being to bring it into focus and go into it.


The last Note is already irrelevant for purposes of developing the new issue in this Note, which is about your own unique experiences as a Note-reader that have been accumulating over time.  We want you to examine your accumulated experiences of Notes and see if you can reconfigure them into a new meaning of the whole thing.


Sometimes one encounters a Note like this one that does not fit into the usual category of “a Note”, but seems to distance itself into a quasi-objective perspective.  A detached view of what is really going on here might prove useful to the right reader.


I was almost convinced that writing this Note was unnecessary, but something weirdly promising called out to me for exploration on behalf of all future readers here.  I love to explore.  Don’t you?  At any rate, there is that weirdly promising thing like an outlandish psychic entity of Inner Space that someone like Kenneth Grant might analyze in one of his books on Cosmic Magick and the Mauve Zone or the Tunnels of Set.  But none of that really explains it.  It is not an Old One or the like as such.  Nor does it seem to be an Inorganic Being as described by Carlos Castaneda.  It cannot be categorized in the usual outlandish categories.  It is an unknown kind of entity.  Do you sense it?  What do you think it might be?  Wait!  The Entity is speaking: “We watch you all now and then.  We propose a new kind of Note.  We propose other things also.  Will you enter?”









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