Year Three

We can take all this much farther than anything so far, but you may not have the capacity.  It is even doubtful that you know what kind of capacity that is the requiron here.  So, let’s back off a little and take pause to consider alternative factors that might possibly reveal the way beyond this Note.


It is not exactly the thing you might call your “intelligence” or “I.Q.” that is in question here in all this.  Your energy-of- intelligence is perhaps closer, like the quasi-electrical current that runs through the neurocognitive channels in your body. However, this Note is not suggesting that you are a biological robot for certain or irrevocably.  If this Note is pushing your button, you should of course be fully alarmed and not just live with it as the dull normals always do.


Our task here in all this is not simply some hopeful New Age tripe like “Achieving a New Consciousness” or “Personal Transformation”, which of course sound good to contemporary but superficial people who have more of emotion than developmental ability.  Nothing more can shed light within the confines of this Note within the extant rigidity of dehumanized pseudo-civilization.  Hopeful members of the present degenerate human race do not read Notes for a terrible, ugly and evil reason.  They have been hypnotized to hope in a manner that is wholly self-defeating.  They have been subtly manufactured to be consumers.  Since Notes cannot be consumed, they remain irrelevant to the contemporary social networks of engineered esoteric hope.  The term “Spirit” is no longer of the Spirit. What is written for the Spirit becomes unreadable and all too easily ignored.  It’s all over.  The World has already ended.










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