Year Three

You can cheer up and do better thinking about your world and your future in the world.  The next note may help you take your first little step about such things.  Are you ready, willing and eager?


Think now of the things in your world and your personal life that you consider important for your happiness.  Existentially, these are powerful aspects of your concernful being-here
-in-the-world.  Naturally, the ontological status of the things that personally concern you is apparently an empty, intellectual and philosophical issue that has no profound psychological or emotional force in your living consciousness.  Is this not so?  Do not go to the next note without acknowledging the semi-conscious psychological pressures that are driving you most of the time.


There is an existential tension going on in the interface between your ontological states and your psychological pressures.  If you now suddenly want to understand your existential tension, go on to the next note to be as conscious and aware as possible without freaking out.


This note requires that you look more deeply into what usually tends to freak you out, to upset you.  Are you looking deeply and fully into that with genuine conscious awareness right now?


This note would like to point out that if you feel that you must go ahead and freak out, then go ahead, but at least try to be more aware of the actual nature of your upset, insane and fucked-up state of mind.










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