Year Three

Readers who have bothered to go through all the Notes to this Point are so rare and isolated on the Earth that We feel a peculiar kind of sympathy and compassion, which is virtually the main reason for producing them, but it is also sort-of-fun to mindfuck semi-intelligent people who like to feel sorry for themselves.


If you have any kind of psychological problem about Notes, then try to understand this Note, which is now telling you that any psychological problem you have about anything or anyone is really about yourself alone.  Nothing and No-one are ever a direct problem for you or anyoneAll normal human beings of Earth are simply stupid, neurotic and ridiculous, plus not wanting to face it.


Be logical about this Note and realize that it is for all readers and not directed at you personally even if you are a total asshole.


A truly brilliant reader will actually enjoy this Note and learn from seeing what they are like in attempting to actually read or listen “brilliantly” here.










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