Year Three

There is a dark, invisible and misleading Mind-parasite at work in your mind that silently shrieks when you are told that you have no real thinking of your own about this Note!


Your Psychic Alien Controller is keeping you dull and stupid about what this Note is really all about.  You are incredibly helpless about what you think about or act upon.  You will not be allowed to understand any of this You, like most of Humanity on Earth, are actually an utter, empty fool.


This Note is sorry to try to inform you that you cannot be fully or adequately informed about anything that really matters.  Your best bet, therefore, is just to relax and let anything happen that will soon need to happen.   Your ideas about what you can think about or decide about are just a fucking joke.


This Note is perfectly clear that you are virtually controlled by various sources of government, business and cultural propaganda in coordination with your Psychic Alien Controller, Mind-parasite, Flat Fishy Flyer or Mud Shadow.   It needs desperately for you to disbelieve in it.  Its second line of defence, if you believe in it or know that it is there, is to keep you distracted from being directly aware of it to any consistent degree or raising your Kundalini Quantum Energy to the necessary degree to burn it off of your mind and body.










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