Year Three

You are bringing the words of this Note into your head as what is called short-term-memory because you hold on to them just long enough to decide (A) what they mean, and (B) whether the meaning is of interest or concern for you personally.  But we can in this case forget about “(A)” because your aim in all this is not to become a cognitive psychologist, but an Enlightened human being.  So, you better concentrate on the real meaning. Right?


This Note is definitely not connected to the last Note.  There is nothing for you to learn here.  You can go completely beyond learning into open-ended Awareness.  Do it now!


If we define “open-ended Awareness” (as we recommended in the last Note), we will of course destroy the living function of it, which is not merely to keep your brain producing an outer scene or maintaining it with subcognitive processing.  Nonetheless, there is a crucial nonduality or “am this” of inner brain and outer scene where incoming information and projected neurocognitive experience are pretty much the same.  Of course this issue is not very personal, but what would you do if during sexual intercourse you discovered that the Toucher is the Touched, that the apparently objective body of your wonderful sex-partner were actually only happening in your brain as a subcognitive non-duality.  In a way, sexual enjoyment requires a veiling of the neuro-cognitive functions that are supporting it.  But, hey, this is just a Note and you can forget all about it very soon now.









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