Year Three

According to Thomas Nagel in his book, The View From Nowhere, “Philosophy cannot take refuge in reduced ambitions. It is after eternal and nonlocal truth, even though we know that is not what we are going to get.”  Try therefore to connect this idea with Notes.


According to Edmund Husserl in his book, Cartesian Meditations, “Anyone who seriously intends to become a philosopher must ‘once in his life’ withdraw into himself and attempt, within himself, to overthrow and build anew all the sciences that, up to then, he has been accepting.  Philosophy (wisdom, sagesse) is the philosopher's quite personal affair.  It must arise as his wisdom, as his self-acquired knowledge tending toward universality, a knowledge for which he can answer from the beginning, and at each step, by virtue of his own absolute insights.”  Try therefore to connect this idea with Notes.


According to Swami Pratyagatmananda Saraswati in his book, The Patent Wonder, “My actual experience is not only the surest but the only ground upon which I stand.  My theories of reality are necessarily founded upon this basis.”  Try also to connect this idea with Notes.


According to J. Krishnamurti in Krishnamurti's Notebook, “Truth cannot be exact. What can be measured is not truth. That which is not living can be measured and its height be found.”  Does this idea connect with Notes for you?


According to Osho in his book, The Heart Sutra, “The question as to what is Truth (?) is the most important question that can arise in anybody's mind, but there is no answer for it.  The most important question, the ultimate question, cannot have any answer; that's why it is important.”   How then is this quotation the same as a Note?







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