Year Three

There is no objective reason in the present universe for you or your associates to develop imaginary benefits from Notes when the real benefits are already substantial.


Wherever you are physically considering this Note is obviously veiling an important function of your being.  Let yourself awaken consciously to the indicated function as an exercise of your Spirit Learning.


You are too slow to investigate the cognitive aftermath of this assertion about your personal energy during urination.  Physical selfhood has always been a common embarrassment for all.


There is a Cosmic Spirit who monitors all Notes Reading in the Universe for signs of unusual cognitive growth.  It is perplexing that the planet of origin of Notes shows the least cognitive growth of all, but some have asserted that it simply indicates why the Notes Author was planted there.  It is only natural that the most retarded planet, Earth, would need an especially potent intelligence present as a Gift-bestowal for any uplift to be possible.


In a way, there are too many examples of disturbing sexual intercourse between individuals of home planet species and peculiar individual members of this or that alien human species.  Some even seem to pride themselves on these liaisons.  Of course at times these events are humorously absurd.  Now, since such things are not the deeper purpose of this Note, let us gently set them aside and enter into the theory of individual and collective cognitive facilitation in cyberspace within industrial planning.  We do not have to remain distracted teenagers.  There is more to life than who might try doing it with whom.


By the way, a few Earthlings actually found interest in this Note Session.   Even some people from UMMO were caught sneaking a read.







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