Year Three

This Note has to happen now in any consciousness that really wants to know how this actually works.  The other readers who are sunk down in intellectual and spiritual laziness can just fuck off.  Those poor, dumb pseudo-spiritual pretenders are just not going to make it.  Surely you know you can not afford to remain intellectually or spiritually lazy!  Surely you will now look into how this Note actually works.  Surely you will not just heedlessly rush into the next Note like a typical heedless fool.


This Note too has to happen now in any consciousness that really wants to know how this actually works differently than the previous Note.


You might want to experiment with a different image of yourself as a Note Reader of this Note.  Give it a whirl...


You cannot possibly fuck-up this Note if you will now stop worrying about yourself as a physical person.


As your friendly Notes Author I am wholly dedicated to overcoming your habitual resistance to Real Learning.  Resistance is futile.  You will be liberated from collective normalcy and the Borg New World Order.


Did you know there are Web-forums that have banned all discussion of this Website and will expel any members who bring it up for discussion?  Try to comprehend the kind of sociological force that dominates such anti-Notes Web-forums.  What does it tell you about the near future of Humanity?









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