Year Three

This tricky and difficult Note Session may not be to your particular taste. It is not too late to just change your mind and leave now before it is too late.  Do not say you weren't warned!


Further Warning:  You are now reading this rather tense and disturbing Note!  Look at how it makes you feel.  Can you afford more of this kind of thing at this time?  It even gets worse!


You would not be here reading this Note unless you were greedy, aggressive or Enlightened.  Which is it?  Be absolutely honest with yourself.


Your attitude sucks in this present Note Session.  Try another better attitude and see what happens.  It is useless to try to defend your usual wrong attitude.  Get clear about this and come up with a better attitude.  At least try.  O.K.?


Another one of your fucked-up approaches to a Note is now heavily under way.  When are you going to get the Message?  Wake up and smell the coffee.  You are still fundamentally wasting your life in a state of self-defensive emotional neurosis.


Carefully read Being and Time by Heidegger. You are still caught in the They-self.  You lack authentic presence in Notes and everywhere else.  You are still a prisoner of your energy-sucking and spiritually deadening Mud Shadow or Flyer that was shown to Castaneda in his book The Active Side of Infinity.  Stop being so Goddamn normal.  You stink of normalcy, of self-enclosed daydreaming and lack of passionate inquiry into the truth of Being.  You are also failing in Zen Enlightenment and Sufi Mastery.  You are not reading the right books or making the right efforts.









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