Year Three

Please think of the greatest experience of new consciousness you ever experienced in Notes.  Once you have done this (or failed to do it), take a hard look at what kind of experience you are getting in consciousness through confronting this particular Note.  You might want to look fully, for instance, at what is most truly unique about both (A) this Note and (B) your way of experiencing it.


This Note is the ending of an old Notes Era and the beginning of a new one.  However, this is true of each and every Note, so we might as well stop straining at the obvious.  The Here and Now is always an Era Shift within the overall perspective that Tarthang Tulku calls Great Time.


This peculiar little Note was not expected by this Notes Author or any Notes Reader.  This is particularly and poignantly true with this Note.  Can you see why?  Do you want to see why?  This Note is so good, so fucking brilliant.  I am so proud of this peculiar little Note.  Check it out!


Let's take all this a little farther out.  Do you feel ready for a quantum leap in Notes Engagement?  Do you need a countdown?


Are you ready now to become extensively aware of all sorts of unexpected things within yourself as an awakening superconscious Being?  If you understand this Note, you are understanding an awful lot more than merely this Note.


Notes are now launching you into a new way of being between Note Sessions.  So do not hesitate to go for the full thing.  Nothing can stop you if you really want it.












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