Year Three

The only thing worse than objecting to Notes telling you things you do not want to hear are the things you want to hear that uphold your bullshit about yourself.


Like stupidly walking around and around in ruts in a circle without really going anywhere, your contrived activities tend to supply busy-action without a deeply fulfilling purpose.  One of the great purposes of Notes is to help you wake up from truly useless activities so that right dedicated action can take place.


Superficial spiritual pretenders (typical New Agers) never realize that new inspiring external scenery can only create an illusion of new inspiring internal scenery.  It is only genuinely new and inspiring internal scenery that can lead to real and right new inspiring external scenery.


Any false relationship can only provide false comfort, security or good prospects, but the inner pressures working in foolish people invariably keep them cowardly prisoners of false relationships in false situations.  The inevitable result of all that will be increasing discomfort, insecurity and failure of prospects to actually materialize, which leads to conflicts and pain in the false relationships until they are dissolved in favor of Reality.  Allow Notes to help you embrace inevitable Reality.  An amazing new life awaits you once you make the decision to refuse to maintain any false relationship!  Once you let go of false security and progress, the Universe will bring you true security and progress in an unexpected way.








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