Year Three

When you reach one of those times when not knowing what to do with yourself, just relax and be aware that there is no need at all to wonder what to do because the same inner essence in you that understands Notes also just knows what to do.  Or, if you still have trouble knowing what to do, then just read Notes!


Whether you are pursuing something high like spiritual truth or something low like sex with a possibly diseased, but good looking person, remember that the quality of the pursued will match the quality of the pursuer.  This is why deeply reading Notes increases your value as a human being, which you may have noticed.  Are you not more conscious and interesting after all this?


This Note wants you to be even more clear that your future is determined by the quality of your own nature.


A man or woman always does something for the real reason they are doing it.  For instance, what is your real reason for reading Notes?  Does that question disturb you in some way?


The abandonment of wrong or overly limited thoughts that prevent your understanding of certain Notes is difficult at first because all your false ideas and efforts about yourself are heavily invested in wrong and overly limited thoughts.  Try now to see this so that you can unravel it.


Real rescue from wrong living and involvement with neurotic humanity is beyond what you can now think about, which is why you need deeper study in Notes to learn how real rescue happens in the deeply new.








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