Year Three

One shocking surprise and cognitive victory in Notes that can come to you is when you suddenly see that you have been hearing Notes mechanically rather than listening to Notes consciously.


One way you can detect that you have been dwelling in a very stupid and heavy personal dreamland is any time you find yourself resenting anything that tries to wake you up to the truth of your state, which could even be this Note.  So, encourage and nourish the part of you that rightly suspects that you spend far too much time daydreaming than living real life or experiencing real higher development.


See all human behavioural nonsense on the Web as nothing indeed but nonsense and you can save yourself years of trying to make sense of it.  I have seen no exception to this in what is done toward Notes on the whole.


Most Notes Readers have no way to drop their useless and harmful nonsense as long as their vanity calls it wisdom or accurate observation.


The big question for you right now is:  How will you learn to see that you do not really know what you pretend you know and even insist you know?









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