Year Three

The core of your reading of this Note does not happen in your body or your mind.  You have no choice but to see it for yourself.  In fact, you should also feel it for yourself.


You have forgotten your true inner being, so this Note is here as a cheerful reminder.


To see the truly new beyond your usual everyday self implies that this Note must not be allowed to frighten you into fearfully clinging harder now to your usual everyday self.


This Note questions virtually all your ideas about yourself.  If you will also begin to truly question all your ideas about who or what you are, you will sooner or later see your true nature.  This will be your very own Zen Enlightenment and much, much more.


Even if you make it to a new and better situation, even to a new and better planet, it is unlikely that you will be a new and better self; but if you will now set about becoming a new and better self, you will sooner or later experience how that automatically creates a new and better situation for you, even possibly a future arrival on a new and better planet.  Do not go on to the next Note until you have had at least a real glimpse of how this Principle works!


There is a Power that can read this Note for you, think beyond your usual thinking and live in a new way through you for your own higher good.  All you have to do is learn to recognize it and feel it.  You can begin now.









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