Year Three

The magic of the moment of reading this New Note here and now is totally fused with whatever scene we have through whatever window. This which we are contains everything as the presence of our absence.  Through our body we are spirit.  Outside our body we are a subtler body, yet a spirit beyond spirit.  All these dimensions are here and now, like reading this Note.  To really experience all this is itself a miracle worth cultivating that needs no witnesses, needs nobody to admire you as a great human being.


Try understanding this Note to the point that you are directly experiencing something beyond understanding.  It will be like an amazing feeling both within your mind and a presence all around your body.  It is what we call, The Other.


I am enjoying writing this Note so much that I don't want it to end!  I just can't get enough of writing these particular thoughts down no matter what readers do or do not do with it all.  There is after all a meaning that transcends all human social concerns, that connects with something Divinely Immediate, that "shamanizes" as the Shamans say.  It is the same exhilaration of walking on the solid earth, breathing fresh air or looking into the eyes of a genuine friend or lover.  To do anything real is without pain, contradiction or hesitation.  It is a flow stateWhatever we do in a flow state works out perfectly.  I love writing Notes!  For me, it is my way of participating in the evolution of the Total Universe.  I am the Total Universe writing messages to Itself.











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