Year Three

Edward de Bono, in his book, De Bono’s Thinking Course, says:   It has always seemed to me that the most dangerous and obstructive fallacy in education has been the belief that intelligent people are good thinkers….This fallacy is dangerous for the following two reasons:  1.  If you have high intelligence there is nothing that needs to be done about your thinking.  2.  If you have a more humble intelligence there is nothing that can be done about your thinking.  So it is precisely in this light that you can look afresh about increasing your ability to read and think about Notes, beginning Here and Now with this very Note!


If you, dear reader, are in a mood to take all this beyond your usual limits, think about this Note as more than a mere creative impetus or form of existential guilt, but as a New Metaphysique beyond the vagaries of Rorty-ian Irony.


The next time you notice the horizon where the sky bends down to meet the curved edge of the planet Earth, see it as a beckoning, a call, to open it up and look into the non-dual meaning of all objects, bric-a-brac and even Notes.  Once you have seen both Notes and trees as Zebra-stripes of Valis as delineated by Philip K. Dick (as my wife just now reminded me after rushing wide-eyed into my room here), it is clear then that both outer and inner Space and Form are indeed of a compact, absolutely crystal-hard presence-of-absent-Being.  In such a cognitive situation, this particular Note Session is no longer limited to itself, but your computer screen starts to come alive like the T.V. set in the movie Videodrome, though not to eat your head, but rather as a portal into multidimensional noumenal existence, which is indeed VALIS or even good old Vedantic Brahman.



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