Year Three

The Whole of Life is far greater, vaster and more complex than the small array of items in and about it that you somewhat understand.  You therefore do not understand this Note even half as much as you believe you do.  And even though you are told all this, you cannot really receive it where it counts because Life will not let you have that yet.  Direct feeling of Life-Totality is not yet developed in your present being, so all you are left with is a misinterpretation of this Note.


Since you are obviously not on the brink of suddenly awakening superconsciousness, you should utilize the basic sanity of this Note to stabilize your learning process.


There is just the right amount of time and depth you can and should give to any Note with your present consciousness.


The challenge of this particular Note is to set aside any and all impressions or ideas you have formed in your brain about the concept of Zen, which includes ideas like “Buddhist Enlightenment” or “something deeply perplexing” or “important cognitive breakthrough school” or “looking into self-nature”. You should eliminate all such nonsense until the very term “Zen” itself disappears, hence allowing you to go on to the next Note Session without any lingering “Zen” problem.










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