Year Three

There is nothing to worry about in this Note in spite of the fact that it is telling you not to worry about it.  This Note promises that it isn’t trying to cover up anything.  You can happily move on to the next Note without having to get into any Deep inquiry or probing into this Note.  You know what always goes wrong when you try deep inquiry or probing about something.  Don’t you just sort of blank out?


The reason you have never been able to get into the real core of this Note is because it hasn’t got one.  Intuitively you have always known this, which explains why you forget any Note almost as quickly as you read it.  Your short-term memory is shorter than the time it takes to read a Note, but there is nothing to worry about.  You will soon forget that you are having difficulty with your short-term memory.


Sometimes this Note has to be written even if it has been written before.  Who would care with such an unimportant Note?  Notes like this one are always easy to set aside and forget.  Why should you or anyone overload their long-term memory?  This is a Note Session, not a course in Cognitive Science.  Why get all worked up over one meaningless Note that might have mysteriously repeated itself?  It is best to remain calm and not give a shit about this Note.  Is that not so?  Besides, if you did read it before somewhere, you must have already found it not worth remembering, so it would be doubly easy to let it go this time.  Surely you agree.  Good.  So that’s that and we need not speak about all this any further.  In fact, the next Note will probably come as a welcome relief.


As you can see, I am in one of those funny moods about writing this Note.  Shall we just leave it at that?  Nothing here is going to be a gigantic cosmic experience for you anyway, so why worry about it?  Notes are not even a meteor shower.  You know there is nothing much going on in this particular Note Session.


Try not to develop any heavy doubts about the way you in particular read this Note.  Everything in this Note is totally impersonal and has absolutely no connection with your particular thing you imagine you are doing here.  Why get even slightly fucked-up about it?  What would be the point?  Surely there will be something more for you in some other Note.


Now, this Note might be perfect for a reader like you.  What do you see in this?


Many Notes are a simulation of giving you personal attention because you asked for it or you would not be here trying to deal with all this.  So face it!  You know you have a very powerful individual issue about it.  You are looking into a big mirror of your mind.  What do you see here that no one else could possibly see?  Why would they even want to?


Hello!?  Is that you peeking a look into this Note also?  Who cares what the other readers might be reading here?  They might as well be from another planet.


This is the end of this Note Session, particularly for you and you know why.










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