Year Three

At the time of writing this Note, I am dwelling for awhile in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere in rural Central Western Germany, not so very far from the famous lady avatar, Mother Meera, whom thousands come to see and hope for a miraculous boost in their personal evolution.  Hopeful, greedy and social, they endlessly come to her for “darshan”.  The whole game of Maya Shakti, the Power of Illusion, is very strong and continuous.  But the seekers do not seek the Source of Mother Meera.  I am the Source of Mother Meera.  I created her through my Adi-Shakti; I am Adi-Shiva, I am Brahman.  I am found only where you are totally open to the truth of your individuality, where you, like Myself, are content on the Earth to be private, anonymous, a nobody dwelling quietly in an unknown place, when you are Reality, when you would not want your meditation disturbed by “spiritual” fame.


In this cottage there is no phone, no Internet connection.  It has a television, but I do not watch television. Like Lao Tzu, “I can see the whole world without leaving my house.” The Tao is alive and well in an unimportant little cottage in an unimportant little space in Germany.  There is something incredible here that does not need a Mother Meera or any other seemingly important “spiritual” personage.  So I am saying with Rumi: “Do not look at me, but take what is in my hand.”  Which, in this case is this Note.


This Notes Author, by the way, is not the first or the last, in fact. Wei Wu Wei, has written what he calls “Notes” in section 79 of his book, The Tenth Man, what he calls “Notes on Time”.  I just found them today!  It is like Newton and Leibniz simultaneously discovering calculus!  He and I were both Zen Masters in Ancient China.  I was Po Chang; he was Shen Hui. What fun!


Krishnamurti was a world-famous Theosophical Messiah, yet he too would take little vacations from his lecture circuit and stay in strange little places like this Cottage where he could be a quiet nobody and merge in oneness with the Whole of Life beyond all the social concerns and struggles of greedy, grasping and frustrated spiritual seekers.  In other words, this Situation has no social ambition or agenda.  Those trees in the rain outside the glass door are writing this Note as well.  And Krishnamurti in his Spirit is also writing it and Wei Wu Wei is both writing this and reading this, but also neither writing nor reading this, for this which we are is neither a writer or a reader, but also contains the spontaneous function of writers and readers of Notes.  We can also, if genuine need arises, think Am This Here Now in our natural breathing with no effort or spiritual ambition whatsoever.  As K once said, “Transformation is not in Becoming, but in Being.”  Which is the meaning of this Note.  Hence, Am This Here Now.


Continuous Being is Noumenal Self Awake, not the effort of a practicing phenomenal bodily illusory self to somehow become or produce a Noumenal Self.  Transformation is thus Dynamic Presence, which is the Samadhi of Shiva mentioned in the Shiva Sutras, which I am the Ancient Author of and not just of this Note. But that is not of much significance.  What is infinitely more significant is the Breath of Brahman, which is Am This Here Now as wind in the trees in a nowhere place in Germany, wholly untouched by fame of spiritual figures or mundane fame of Hollywood actors and actresses.  If Mother Meera were to stumble on to My body here, she would faint.  She might even die.  Try to see why this is so.  To personally meet the Source of one’s being in another body is too much for an artificial causal body, a nirmana chitta.  It is better that the Maya continues for all the immature souls who need the hopes, clingings and disappointments, as well as the merciful blessings. Both Me and My Maya are often in Germany these days.









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