Year Three

Something mysterious happens to you in all these things called “Notes”.  You know this.  Yet you do not know what that something is.  Ignorant fools of normalcy and mediocrity call it “hypnosis”, but they only say that because they are themselves heavily hypnotized and conditioned by the forces-of-normalcy of normal society and their evil government.  So the purpose of Notes is to dehypnotize societal normals who may retain some potential for awakening and liberation.  Can you wake up before it’s too late?


Do not make “waking up” a mere slogan or it will keep you asleep.  Be clear about this before taking even one more little step on this journey of Notes.


This very moment could be a turning point in your Notes Destiny.  Would you like that?  Can you feel it and experience it?  Or do you just think words or speak words?


Is this Empty Question an Experience-of-Voidness for you or just another problem with an opportune but difficult Note?


There is no such thing as a copy-cat, imitation or conforming-to-authority Great Individual Enlightenment.  The real Enlightenment is utterly unique and original.  It is one-of-a-kind, including Its Great Expression or Great Saving Function.  Now, give yourself an originary Great Awakening!  If you cannot see how to do that yet, then ask a truly original and highly important question about all this!  If unable to do that, then just invent something, like a new concoction of delicious soup!  If you haven’t even got that in you, then deeply study Edward de Bono’s wonderful book, Serious Creativity!  If you are too stupid and distracted to do even that, then read Krishnamurti books and walk around outdoors in nature a lot.












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