Year Three

This Note is about your usual state of so-called “consciousness” or “being awake” as physical sensation.  However, feeling merely physically restless and uncomfortable as somatic sensation, including hunger, thirst, indigestion or having a slight cold or flu, is hardly a metaphysical thrill or Cosmic Consciousness.  It is not Zen Enlightenment or Oneness-with-the-Tao or being merged with Brahman.  So there seems to be a huge gap between your everyday physical status and the ultimate kinds of mystical and miraculous level of being a being.  Most people try to ignore this tremendous gap between What Is and What Could Be, but some of us try to cope with it and somehow cross over it.  Is this not so?  But that of course sets us up to fail to be superconscious or miraculous individuals no matter what kind of teachings we study, practice or try to realize.  The next Note is about this fundamental problem.



Can you take a step backwards from the terrible, disappointing gap between (A) what you are presently like and (B) what you wish you were like, which is the gap between your Social Bodily Self and your Higher Spiritual Self?  Before you go into the next Note Session, can you stop struggling and creating that frustrating gap for a minute or two and explore something else? Or, to put it another way, isn’t that what you do when you can have sex?  But when sex is not there or when you have to do some unpleasant, boring work, does it not restart your spiritual aspiration?  If you were perfectly healthy and constantly thrilled about being physical, would you need wealth, fame or miraculous superconsciousness?









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