Year Two

Just the fact that you are reading this note is no guarantee that you are bringing a great enough awareness to get a real inner gain from it.  What you yourself bring to all this is a big issue that most readers never want to face.   Will you face it before you carry on to the next note?


The effortless beauty outdoors in nature will teach you a deeper way to read notes when you are indoors.  Do you see and understand this note in that light?


This note is about the possible miracle that you will suddenly become more conscious before you get restless and “decide” to read the next note.


Look deeply into yourself as to how ready you really are (or are not) to make good use of this note.


Many foolish, conceited and superficially critical readers have blindly read this note without the slightest inkling that it actually does totally apply to you personally.


Our most idiotic, self-deceptive readers of notes are those who imagine they are here to make an assessment of all this for others, as if they are objective superior minds.  There is no hope of real intelligence in you or anyone else like that.


There is only one good reason for you to take this particular note personally, which is that you are finally ready to admit fully to yourself that your consciousness is inadequate for genuine thinking or deliberate higher awareness.






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