Year Two

Slow down!  What’s the big hurry?   Notes keep coming endlessly, so you might as well go fully into this note right here before you.   There is no final destination of all this.  Try to see the full implications of this revelation before you go to the next note.   If you approach listening to notes the neurotic way you do everything else in your life, you are not getting the message.  When do you ever actually slow down and give total attention to anything?   That is what this note is asking you now. Will you let all this really happen to you or will you just try to keep busy in some way to avoid the big issue of the quality of your attention?


This note is an invitation.   You are now cordially invited to be more quiet and aware than you have ever been in your whole life.  You are invited into an almost shattering intensity of silent awareness, if you can accept it.  It is wholly up to you now before the next note.


I am talking to you right now in the form of this note because it is the only way we can connect at this time.  Do you understand the implications of this limited but real opportunity?   Real connection is about inner resonance, not about outer arrangements.   Your outer arrangements are generally killing you for the most part; learn to actually explore inner resonance before it is too late.


You are now in a position where you are at least slightly and temporarily facing the issue of inner resonance.   Remember: you still do not know or understand how important this is!  You are still too neurotic, superficial, distracted and busy most of the time.  Do you see this?  Are you at all aware of the colossal depths of your stupidity?   Nonetheless, there may be some hope for you yet.  Do you not feel some inner resonance with the awakening of intelligence in all this?







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