Year Two

This note can be so energizing and stimulating for you that you no longer mind if humanity agrees to be destroyed by the psychotic New World Order.


Will you allow Cosmic Awareness to communicate with you through the events of your daily life?  Is this note, for instance, such a cosmic communication event?  If it is, then why are you in such a hurry to get this note over with?


Relax for a moment and allow this note to happen in a more unusual part of your mind that has a little bit of vibrant magical power.  You are too flat, dull and inwardly dead in the usual parts of your mind.  Hopefully you really see now that this is a very important Note you are trying to experience!


Keep your usual, unmagical and dull normal mind out of this note!   Ignite some real inner fire of awareness or just go on to the next note as a typical mediocre reader.


If you would like an interesting little experience of Instantaneous Enlightenment, take it that this note was written for anyone but you because you are the most arrogant and foolish egomaniac who will ever try to understand this note!


The entire population of readers of Notes throughout the Universe can sense it that you are an all too shallow and ridiculous reader on the sick planet Earth.  You cannot hide from Truth forever.  We know what you really do day after day in your petty little self-enclosed efforts and activities.






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