Year Two

The habit-self of the physical body does not like to hear obvious things.  For instance, if we tell it, “what you eat and drink has a huge effect on your destiny.  Impure eating and drinking shorten your life and dull your mind”, it will decide that it is “beyond” such advice.   If it tries to take the advice and go on a new diet, it finds the diet hard to sustain and goes through mysterious ups and downs of “will-power”.  Then, when the habit-self of the physical body tries to become “enlightened” through Notes, it also abolishes the impact of any note that might threaten the habitual patterns of living.  Can you take a penetrating glance at the habit-self of your physical body before the next note?


Your physical brain and neurosystem are hard-wired to misinterpret what is hidden in this statement.  You need to see how it works here before you go to the next note.


Your everyday body-self is a creature of habits that does not want you waking up to the real truth of it here in this note.   Are you going to let it go on dominating you?  Decide about this now before the next note.


Did you actually read this note just now or did something mysterious happen that you have already forgotten?


One of our readers was just suddenly yawning and stretching even though they are not tired or sleepy.  Why do you suppose they unconsciously do that?  Do not go to the next note without understanding that.


Which is most true for you?:
A – You are a Spirit who utilizes your body.
B – Your body has a Spirit that utilizes you.








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