Year Two

You are reading this note in your usual ordinary state of semi-consciousness.  You are thus preventing yourself from understanding something incredibly significant about what is really going on here.   I feel sorry for you, but you already feel sorry for yourself all too often for all the wrong reasons.  So what will you do now?  Just read the next note.


Do you want to make some sort of fresh beginning in all this with this particular note?  How will you do it?  Do you see the way you are actually stuck?   What is the point of the next note if you remain stuck about this note?   Can you come to an understanding about this?  When?   Does it take time to wake-up about something?  Or, is it precisely that you take time in order to prevent yourself from waking-up?


I have been writing Notes for people for twenty-five years.  I did not invent this cognitive breakthrough method merely to make a little splash on the God-forsaken cheap and crappy Internet.  Understand this for real now.


This note is about your actual state of semi-consciousness throughout your day as a neurotic, self-enclosed, unalert and busy or zonked-out human being of the Earth.  Are you going to become willing to be more aware of your consciousness at all times?  Do you understand this requirement?  Or, are you subtly resisting it because of all the internal mechanical pressures in your daily body-mind that keep you going in circles of real futility?


This note is about where everything is really going for you in both Life and Notes.  Can you be more aware of the complexity and unfolding story of both Life and Notes as you experience them?  Or will you just stupidly accept being stuck in the usual position of consciousness?






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