Year Two

This note is about a strange new feeling that will come over you if you will change your intention or motive you have as to what you expect from Notes in general.


What are the most magical things going on in your life lately?  Do you approach such magical things with clarity and sobriety or do you clutch at them with alternating greed and doubt?  I for one am not at all sure that you are really grasping the magical in a magical way.  You strike me as being rather dull and normal.  I hope I’m wrong about this, but you do not seem to get it.  Perhaps I need to explain what I mean by “magical”, but a magical reader with a real feeling for the magical does not need much of an explanation.  Therefore, my explanation is that you need to develop a real feeling for the magical.


This note is a magical gateway of extraordinary perception for any reader with a real feeling for the magical.


There is a peculiar luminosity of well-being that surrounds a magical reader of this note, but an ordinary reader will just feel sort of bewildered and depressed about not being magical. Such an ordinary reader is seen by a magical reader as a self-enclosed bubbling pot of useless shit happening to itself.


In the magical world of Nagual Seers behind this note, any clever reading of any note is seen as nothing different than people shopping and comparing prices on various meaningless objects of their useless concerns and routines.


This magical note is magical only for the magical reader. Normal readers like yourself can only feel self-doubt instead of the magical.


This note is about your self-doubt over your possible magicality. It is this obsessive self-reflecting of self-enclosed concern that is plugging you up and preventing magical perception.  The paradox of magical perception is that you must rid yourself of self-importance to obtain magical perception.  You cannot get something like a “magical” self-enclosement around some fanciful self-importance.


I love to shift my center-of-consciousness into alternative spaces in magical places.  This freedom of the Spirit is irreplaceable, a treasure that cannot be bought by the money of self-important, normal people.  Such people can buy books and seminars on magical things, but they cannot buy the magical freedom of the Spirit.   This note comes from an incredible place you will never find with your usual approaches.  Your only hope is to somehow register more deeply what I am trying to tell you.


Without developing a real feeling for the magical you will only continue to be confounded by this Demand of the Spirit.


This note is about a simple thing like a table, a cup or a little plate with some bread on it. Any simple thing can be a magical gateway for a magical seer, but for the ordinary, self-enclosed person such simple things are merely handy and functional as existential items of the everyday meaningless, unmagical world of stupid assholes like our ordinary readers.


Becoming a Magical Seer is not a rational process.  There is a Way, but that Way follows a suprarational set of principles.  Try harder to tune-in to all this before you attempt another Note Session.





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