Year Two

Have you not wondered often in your mental background why it is so difficult to get into higher states of consciousness and sustain them?  Well, you have not wondered enough!  Nor have you wondered in the form of significant research or right practical spiritual exercises.   Before you go on to the next note, ask yourself why you are still basically self-enclosed and complacent about your individual evolution.


The quantum energy (Kundalini Shakti) in the atoms of your body needs to grow greater and rise higher if you want to expand your consciousness into other promising and empowering dimensions of existence.  You cannot afford to forget or neglect your quantum energy problem.  Your stupid physical ego with its brain opinions, its asserting and worrying, will not solve your basic physical deep energy problem because it is part of the problem.  See this for real before the next note.


Because your quantum energy level is rather flat, you are mentally dull and boring.  You are too much like everybody else in the society in which you live.  When are you going to be an energetically unique and interesting real individual?  Answer this to yourself before you go into the next note.


How intense is the quantum energy field of your body when you are trying to answer this question?


There is plenty of time right here in this note for a new intensity in your body, your thinking and your life.   So make sure there is genuine new intensity going on with you before you read the next note.


Do you call this your “genuine new intensity”?  What-the-fuck are you trying to do?


O.K., let’s back up and have another run at all this. Is there some reason why you do not want to work all-out with this particular Note?  What kind of Note are you willing to go all-out with greatest intensity about?  Perhaps you should just stare into a wall or tabletop and consider all other objects irrelevant.  But it is hard to imagine that you would even bother to do something like that.  Are you not restless, nervous and distracted by just about everything?


Are you planning to have sex pretty soon?  What do you plan to do after you have sex when your mind has to be back where it started, but with a little less personal energy to work with? Picture, for instance, that you just had fully satisfying sex fifteen minutes ago, then see how this note looks in such light.  Do you really understand your personal action and energy cycles?


This note is a food for your thinking.  Do you know how to fully chew it, swallow it and digest it?  Make a real effort about this.  Do not just sit there with a dumb, lifeless look on your face.  And, above all, do not just rush uselessly into the next note.   There is nothing better there than what you can get right here and now in this note.


There is a possible state of super-consciousness within you, but it requires an intensity of super-energy in your personal system. No Shiva (super-consciousness) without Shakti (super-energy). No Hoom without Hreem.   Try to understand these things or your life will remain undeveloped, fruitless and dull.







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