Year Two

Slow learning and immediate full awakening are two different things and yet they are intimately connected.  This is because of the natural fact that when slow learning ripens into rapid, intense learning, little awakenings or glimpses of total clarity and complete understanding begin to take place.  So do not give up your hope of clarity and understanding.  It is quite enough for now that you strop pretending to yourself (or others) that you already have full clarity or complete understanding of something. By having this kind of humble and correct self-assessment, you can comfortably go into the next note with a chance to at least partially learn a little something that will maybe help you a little if you don’t get all upset, confused or argumentative.


Here you are, cheerfully making a little progress with this temporary note of this interesting juncture in your particular little struggle through life with its dramatic ups and downs.


Now there is hope that you are indeed beginning to see at least partially for a brief little period how backward and retarded you have been in terms of real perception and comprehensive learning.  Do you feel like you want to explore this just a little further?


Your tiny little uncosmic, immature and backward mind is now making a little good effort with its partial seeing and incomplete understanding.  It is slow and delicate learning, but it is learning, there is some progress in it, and that is what we are gently optimistic about at this time.






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