Year Two

There is no need whatsoever for you to memorize this note.  It is quite enough for you to try to understand the essence of it before you leave it behind you and forget it.  It is, after all, just another note.  Why make a big deal out of this note when the next note will probably give you a bigger hit?


The Higher Power will decide how much you will or will not get out of this note.  There is no point whatsoever in you trying to get more or less of what you are getting here, so just relax and go with it.  Be in a flow state about this note to whatever degree the Higher Power is deciding for you.  Your self-enclosed decisions about this note are nothing but sheer illusion.


This note must confess the terrible secret that it is completely out of your hands, both cognitively and personally.  There is nothing you can do about this.


Things are getting worse for you in this note because it turns out that you have never had any real choice or control in any note, which obviously includes this note.  When you are made to feel ready for the next note, you will just have to read it the way you have to read it.


There would be no point whatsoever in this note giving you advice about itself.


You have no choice whatsoever about how much this note will or will not increase your intelligence or heighten your awareness.  The same is true of the next note if you feel driven to imagine you decided to read it.


This note seems to be an objective verbal object and you seem to be a subjective reader or listener.  It is out of your hands how much you will doubt your objectivity or subjectivity.







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