Year Two

This note is going to attempt to communicate something important to you about how your mind works.  What is happening to you in all this is that you are trying to learn to be intelligent, but you keep utilizing a wrong method.  The wrong method is imitation.  Your mind hopes to generate intelligence through imitating whoever or whatever seems or sounds intelligent.  Your mind, an instrument of emotional reaction, cannot produce a true intellect through imitation.  The emotional mind cannot generate an intellect.  Intellect is activated by shifting consciousness beyond the everyday mental level.  Real intelligence requires a shift of consciousness, not more emotionally disturbed effort of your mind.  The more heavily you strain your brain with your proud and silly emotional mind, the more you derange your brain and become insanely argumentative, foolish or self-enclosed in a false ego of self-defensive pride and pretence.  Give yourself a glimpse of this before you go to the next note.


This note is about false spirituality.  It is about what Chögyam Trungpa calls spiritual materialism.  The emotional mind operating through spiritual book-knowledge in the brain creates a brain-self-image of being a “spiritual” human being.  You have to go beyond this condition if you want to discover real spiritual learning and development; otherwise you will just remain in your futile book-reading or superficial self-improvement exercises that never really go anywhere.


This note is about your endless false “understanding” of things like Notes.  Your real understanding cannot activate until your false understanding is seen as the superficial and imitative brain-game that it is.







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