Year Two

You do not really know why you are reading this note.  Does that surprise you?  Will you resist the truth of your false will? How many of your “choices” in life are real, fully conscious choices?  Because you have no real and clear answer to these questions, you will sooner or later have to face it that some power, some Shakti, is driving you along as a false will of a doubtful self in a difficult life.  To have a True Will as a Real Self living a Happy, Immortal Life is no easy thing.  It requires Higher Power, ParaShakti.  But even that is decided by Her and not by you.  The false decider cannot substitute for the True Decider.


Do you believe you would like to make a fresh start in your learning process with this note?  What forces are at work within you to make you believe such a thing about yourself?  All we can really say about you is that you will superficially read the next note very soon now.


It is not this note’s fault that it is utterly superficial. It is not even your fault.  The reader must read the way the reader is driven.


This unpopular note is destined to remain unpopular for a gloriously cosmic reason.  The Absolute Author likes to play and tease the Absolute Reader.  The Guru can always reach the Disciple with a teaching in spite of prevailing circumstances. The teaching here today is about by-passing mediocrity through handling mediocrity as a medium of transmission that mediocrity cannot register or appreciate.






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