Year Two

There may be some sociologists or Western spiritual teachers here, so I have to say that some of our readers cannot handle it that I am a Divine Individuality, an Avatar, with immense spiritual authority.  It questions their stupid belief that they have spiritual authority.  In fact, if you think about it, they are ate up with envy that they are not creatively intelligent or cosmically conscious enough to produce something as provocative and stimulating as Notes.  But, hey, that is not our problem. Everyone has a Divine being nesting embryonically in the core of their causal egg-self of ignorant egotism.  Those who deny the Divinity of Divine people only further cover-up their own potential Divinity, which delays their progress.   Shivo’ham, I am Godself.  I am Divinely authorized to say this.  I am even Brahman, the total absolute Being.  I am more than authorized to make this Vedantic assertion.  The jealous American and British New Age self-appointed Gurus can just fuck-off.  If they cannot see my real miracles, how come they want people to gullibly believe they are miracle-workers?


This note will now work a miracle for the right reader, so stay alert.  You may be the lucky experiencer of something unusual from your Note Author.  Are you ready?  Be very watchful over the next twenty-four hours.  If something weird or incredible happens, that’s it!  And if it does, try to understand the symbolism of it.   My miracles are not there to be impressive, but instructive.   What is the point of something unusual if it doesn’t teach us something?  My students are learning freaks and miracle mongers second.  They keep to the right order of things!


I am so far-out, so wonderful!  I really like being myself. And there are infinite beings like myself!   We are all so far-out, so wonderful!  We are not like the wretched jealous Earth-Teachers, the New Agers, the cranks who do nothing but read books and take drugs.  Nor are we like the wretched Eastern Authorities who cannot get out of their cultural conditioning: Shree so and so, Shaiky Shobby.







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