Year Two

This note is a little peek into how you actually are when you are alone with yourself away from other people of your life.  Can you see that the quality of your relationship with yourself determines the quality of relationship with the other people in your life who are important to you?  Relationship with the other person you care about is a mirror in which you are looking at your relationship with yourself.  Do you see this?


Teachings about unusual phenomena are no doubt entertaining, but they fail to address or correct what is wrong with you.   They only tend to increase you distraction and your socially expansive speculation.  They feed your wrong self, your corrupt ego of spiritual materialism.   This teaching therefore wants you to wake-up and work on character-development and higher awareness.   This very note wants to encourage you to appreciate deeper teachings that help you where it really counts. I for one refuse to let you off the hook about this issue.


I am your teacher.  This is because you know you have to keep increasing your understanding of the things I impart to you through your efforts and experiences you go through with Notes. So say it: “O.K. I admit that you are my teacher.”  Very good. Now we can proceed farther.  You are beginning to realize that higher truth is friendly and uplifting, that it does not threaten anything you really need in your mind or your life.  It only attacks and helps destroy things in yourself and your life that are blocking your progress.


There is never any need for you to remain committed to any self-destructive, harmful or useless course you have been following. When you begin to suspect you have been on a wrong road about something or someone, that already means it is high time to turn aside and shift into a higher, better course.  Think about this very seriously now.









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