Year Two

Welcome yet again to Notes!  What do you imagine all this is really about?  Maybe the next note will give you a hint.


This note is most definitely a hint, but not about Notes.  It is a hint about your actual state of being, which is incredibly shallow and restless.


What kind of thing would this note be if it made you feel slightly dizzy and disoriented?


May this note give you a feeling of secure warmth and vast well-being.


May this note give you a slight touch of telepathic contact with an extremely advanced alien intelligence who would willingly enhance your consciousness for a moment or two if you will stay calm and not become afraid or greedy about it.


We do want you to benefit from all this, but what we call a benefit and what you call a “benefit” are not the same.   This is because there is something wrong with you that you do not see as something wrong.  You will have to also see it for yourself or it will just go on and on.


This note is not about what is wrong or even right with you. This note is about the wonderful possibilities of occasionally giving rise to impersonal Truth, if you have not forgotten how to do that.


Metalogical certainty cannot be achieved by the neurotic maneuvers of a false and empty outer self.  Ponder this truth long enough to cure yourself of your present insanity.  Genuine clarity about this is definitely possible at this time for you.










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