Year Two

I have decided you can read this Note freely in any way you like, but will you activate genuine freedom of a genuine choice of mode of reading?  I have some doubts about the way you approach all this.  May I say this to you?


If this note helps you awaken a new inner clarity about what does and does not help you, then make full use of this without hesitation.


The sooner you stop playing your usual little games in your reading of Notes, the sooner you will understand how important it was to have a confrontation with this Note instead of a fleeting entertainment.


The insane outer world of humanity that we try to understand and predict is not the only world we are actually in nor is it the most real world.  Can you now begin to see these amazing new facts?


There is a way to be victorious over the increasing insane world of humanity, which is to inwardly live beyond all the hysterical complaints and ugly lies that characterize the masses and their governments.


You can include the reading of Notes as an interesting little part of doing good things for yourself, but only if you really do truly good things for yourself in your overall pattern of life.  Maybe you need to develop the meaning of “doing good things for yourself”.








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